Singing Guide: Fred Astaire

Singing Guide: Fred Astaire

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Fred Astaire, known for his impressive dancing skills, was also an accomplished singer. He had a pleasant tenor voice that was characterized by a relaxed vocal technique and acute attention to timing.

To learn singing like Fred Astaire, first, assess your singing range through the Singing Carrots vocal range test. Astaire had a tenor voice with good vibrato control, which you can develop with Singing Carrots vibrato exercise.

Astaire's unique vocal technique was his ability to phrase his vocals to match his dancing, allowing him to achieve seamless transitions between singing and dancing.

To learn this technique, focus on your breathing by practicing Singing Carrots breathing exercises. When it comes to singing, try to visualize the notes with the rhythm and movement of the dance. This helps to develop an intuitive sense of timing while singing, a crucial aspect of Astaire's technique.

Some of the songs that showcase Fred Astaire's vocal technique include "Cheek to Cheek," "A Fine Romance," and "The Way You Look Tonight." These songs are a great place to start when trying to emulate Astaire's singing style.

Incorporate Singing Carrots pitch accuracy tests and pitch training exercises to improve pitch accuracy while singing. Developing good pitch accuracy will allow you to perform Astaire's songs with greater ease and precision.

In conclusion, to sing like Fred Astaire, focus on developing a relaxed vocal technique, visualize the notes with dancing movements, and practice phrasing and timing using Astaire's classic songs. Use Singing Carrots resources to help improve your vocal range, pitch accuracy, breathing, and vibrato control.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.